Working with house builders for over a decade, we go above and beyond our client’s expectations.
Specialist in the management of Probate Property Sales, working on behalf of Solicitors, Trust Corporations and Charities
We’ll get your clients moved quickly and deliver a leading customer experience that reflects your brand.
We aim to be the first choice for businesses with property interests and we are committed to making sure that our services realise that ambition.
Trusted by many of the UK's leading lenders, house builders and probate practitioners to value, manage and sell property, we work hard to ensure that our services exceed our clients' needs.
Founded in
Our success is measured by your success
dedicated members of staff
Sector leading, best in class, innovative, aspirational, fluid and inventive
These are the values on which our brand is built on and on which we are judged. They are who we are and what we do.
Our devoted clients
We are proud to work with our clients and in order to best serve these important partnerships we scout the leading technology and analyse industry trends so we can present our partners with new ways to enhance their businesses.
``Newton Fallowell's relationship with Move with Us has developed over the last 10 years from a passive network friend to a fully fledged partner whose aims and objectives mirror ours which is to drive as much 'extra' income as possible out of the house selling process. Recent improvements to our business model mean we are now in a position to drive £200,000 worth of conveyancing out of our offices alongside the many corporate instructions that Move with Us provide. In summary a happy marriage that appears to have gone past the seven year itch!``
Mark Newton
Managing Director
``Being a new estate agent we knew the importance of having a user friendly and easy-on-the-eye website. We are delighted with the feedback and number leads it has generated. During valuations we are often praised for the site, I'd have no hesitation in recommending the package.``
Steve Betts
``It has been five years now since we started working alongside Move with Us and I would never envisaged that the income line would rise to these kinds of levels. The conveyancing and HIP initiatives that they have brought to our business have moved from strength to strength each year, they don't sit still and wait for the market to overtake them but are consistently looking at new ideas to not only maximize our income but make sure our pipelines turn faster, all too important in the market we have experienced. Their transparency and openness with us is a credit to them; to find partnerships like this in the industry we work in we all know is so rare. We look forward to another great year working with them.``
David Lench
Managing Director